Friday, September 27, 2024

September 27, 2024


Griffin Memorial School News


September 27, 2024

GMS Families,  

          As was mentioned in earlier newsletters, October is a month chockful of events. This week our third and fourth graders attended the kick off of our Scarecrow Jamboree. The excitement was high and we could tell that the students were thinking creatively about their entries immediately. Parents in third and fourth grade should have received an email and papers will be coming home soon as well. If your child would like to participate they can sign up through the following links: 

Team   Individual

           Another event that we will be having in October is our first annual Fall Community Clean Up. The purpose of this day is to come together as a community to do some weeding, pruning, cleaning, and turning of our landscaping and grounds. The hope is to get the yard ready for Winter and then another event to beautify it in the Spring. If you are interested in donating or participating please fill out the following form:

Community Clean Up Sign Up

           Finally, as we have done in the past we have prepared a number of Spirit Days for the year. In order for you to best prepare and participate in these fun days we have created THIS LIST. Hopefully you can print this list and  find it helpful in making these days special. We will send out reminders as the days get closer but also want you to have as much notice as possible. We can't wait to see how these days are celebrated.

Be Well, Be Curious, and THRIVE,

Dan Mitchell, Principal

Maura Clinton-Jones, Assistant Principal

Upcoming Dates

October 14, 2024No School- Columbus Day

October 17, 2024

Litchfield Fire visits Kindergarten - Fire Safety Lesson

October 19, 2024

GMS Community Clean Up 10:00 AM

October 25, 2024

Scarecrow Jamboree, Pumpkinfest, Halloween Parties

(More details coming on each)

GMS News

Art Club

Mrs. Starrett is starting an Art Club on Tuesdays after school for 3rd and 4th graders. They will meet for 8 sessions October-December; a second 8 session Art club will run from January-March. Permission slips are in a folder on the art room door, interested students can come grab one at any time.

Facilities Improvement Survey

        The District Facilities Improvement Committee is still looking for input from the Litchfield community in regards to the school facilities in the district.  I encourage you to take a few moments and complete the survey found HERE.  Responses from this survey will greatly help the committee determine the right steps for the schools and the community. Paper copies are also available at each school and Town Hall. Thank you in advance for your input and help.

Counselors' Corner

Be sure to read the first monthly issue of Counselors' Corner to find out all the news from Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. Perkins, and Mrs. Carroll.

Counselor’s Corner

    News from the PTO

    Griffy Gear

    We are excited that Griffy Gear is back this year with a NEW item - a plush fleece blanket for those chilly days at home or sporting events! There are several clothing items in a variety of sizes and colors for both children and adults! Online orders can be placed until October 7th.

    Pumpkin Festival 

    The 7th annual Pumpkin Festival is scheduled for Friday, October 25th from 6pm - 8pm. Join us for our next planning meeting on Monday, October 7th at 7pm via Zoom. Unable to make the meeting but interested in donating an item or volunteering on the night of the event? Please click here for donations and here for volunteer opportunities. Thank you in advance for helping to make this event a success!

    October PTO Meeting

    Please join us for our next meeting on Tuesday, October 8th at 6:30pm IN PERSON at GMS. We have two planned in person meetings this school year and this is the first one. We hope you will join us as we hear updates from Mr. Mitchell and Mrs. Clinton-Jones as well as updates about the PTO events and happenings! Looking forward to seeing you there!

    PTO Fall Social

    Family Engagement invites you to a Back to School Fall Social on October 17th at Romanos between 7pm-9pm. It takes a village! Join us for a few hours of adult time with new and old friends!

    Monthly Newsletters - September

    Be sure to read our monthly newsletters where we will highlight important dates and upcoming events, and we'll introduce you to our Executive Board and Coordinators. 

    **All of this information and more may be found on our Facebook Page: GMS PTO NH 2024-2025.**

    News from the Community

    Daisy Troop Info

    1st grade Daisy Troop looking for new members meets every other Wednesday starting in October after school. Please reach out to Sarah Vasil with any questions or 207-615-6921

    Daisy Troop Info

    Calling all Pokémon enthusiasts!

    Join The Litchfield Pokémon Club on the first Wednesday of each month as we unite with our cherished trading cards, engaging in playful exchanges with fellow young trainers in a welcoming and secure environment. More details here . If you have any questions please feel free to contact Stacy at

    Repeated News/ Long Term Info to Know

    The bus routes were updated on Aug. 23. Please make sure you recheck your child's bus route on the GMS website for any changes.

    Back to School Paperwork

    • Back to School forms are available and need to be completed on the portal. These forms MUST be filled out EVERY YEAR
    • Here is a link to the PowerSchool Parent Portal 
    • Here is a link  to the Portal Quick Reference Guide
    • Chromebook insurance can now be paid through Titan (same for lunch) or by check (Please add student name and "CB Fee" on check memo so that it is applied to proper student)
    • Gr 1-4 Chromebook usage fee is $5
    • Gr 5-12 Chromebook insurance fee is $20 and free/reduced is $10

    From Nurse Alexa

    Hello GMS families!

    Back to school is a wonderful time of year, but it also means sharing more than just stories from our summer time vacations. Your students, and the staff, also begin sharing germs! And as we enter the cooler months, the more germs we begin to share. So I wanted to share a few friendly reminders to try and keep everyone healthy;

    ·         Please do not send your child to school if they are experiencing

    o    a fever (>100.4°)They must be fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medications

    o   Vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours

    o   Continuous coughing not relieved by cough medicine

    o   Are overall not feeling well (headache, stomach ache, fatigue, etc.)

    ·         Practice hand washing

    ·         Practice covering a cough and sneeze

    ·         Drink lots of fluids

    ·         Get plenty of rest

    Linked below is a resource for helping prevent the spread of respiratory viruses. As always, you can reach out to the school nurse with any questions or concerns.

    End 68 Hours of Hunger and the Litchfield School District 2023-2024

    The End 68 Hours of Hunger Program and Litchfield Schools are pleased to inform you about a free, confidential food program which provides students with meals from Friday after school until they return to school on Monday morning.  If meeting the weekend nutritional needs of your child is challenging at this time, we would like to help meet that need.  All food is non-perishable and easy to prepare.  If your child has any food allergies, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate this need.  Nut products are included for those who are not allergic, but children are informed that they are not to open the bags until a parent can review the contents. 

    Each week, bags containing food will be provided to students at school.  Students will bring the bag home on the bus or by whatever mode of transportation they have at the end of the day.  If you prefer, parents may pick up the bag at school. 

    If you’d like to sign up for the program or need additional information, please contact Taryn Staples, School Social Worker, at

    Morning Drop Off Procedures

    During the morning drop off, both buses and cars will utilize the big loop. As vehicles pull in please pull as far forward until all cars have stopped. Then you can let your child out of the car. Please then wait until the cars in front of you move before pulling forward. Please DO NOT pass a stopped car or stop at the front door if there is space in front to pull forward. We also ask that you avoid parking in the parking lot and walking your child to the door, this adds pedestrian traffic to car traffic. Our attempt is to make this a safe and fluid process. We understand that some back ups do occur, but this procedure ensures safety of all and limits the length of any delay.

    Pick Up Procedures

    Those utilizing parent pick up are asked to fill in the large loop at the designated time. Please have the colored pick up slips that were sent home, as these act as verification for our staff. If you arrive early for your designated time, you will be directed to a waiting line in the parking lot until your group time.

    Pink Group (Last Names A-E): 2:45

    Yellow Group (Last Names F-N) 2:52

    Blue Group (Last Names O-Z) 3:00

    Buses: 3:10 targeted departure 

    Absence Reporting 

    At Litchfield School District, one of our greatest priorities is ensuring that all our students arrive safely at school each and every day. 

    To enhance our existing absence-checking procedure, we are introducing a new, more efficient student absence reporting system called SafeArrival.  This new system will reduce the time it takes to verify student attendance, make it easy for you to report your child’s absence and easy for staff to respond to unexplained student absences. 

    With SafeArrival, you are asked to report your child’s absence in advance using any of these 3 convenient methods:

    1. Using your mobile device, download and install the SchoolMessenger app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store (or from the links at The first time you use the app, select Sign Up to create your account. Select Attendance then Report an Absence.

    2. Use the SafeArrival website, The first time you use the website, select Sign Up to create your account. Select Attendance then Report an Absence.

    3. Call the toll-free number 1-833-516-0370 to report an absence using the automated phone system.

    These options are available 24 hours/day, 7 days a week.  Future absences can be reported at any time. 

    In addition, we will use the SchoolMessenger Communicate automated notification system to contact parents whose child is absent when the absence was not reported in advance. The automated notification system will attempt to contact parents at multiple contact points until a reason is submitted for the absence. If our system is unable to reach the designated contacts, office staff will follow up. 

    If you report your child’s absence in advance using the SafeArrival toll-free number, website or mobile app, you will NOT receive these notifications.

    Starting March 4, when we return from Vacation, please report absences in advance using SafeArrival instead of sending notes or calling/emailing the school.  

    Starting March 4, staff will begin using the SafeArrival notifications to let you know if your student is absent (when you haven’t reported the absence in advance).  

    Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we implement this new system.

    ***Please Note that Sign Up may not be available until early next week***

    SafeArrival Sign Up

    SafeArrival FAQs

    SafeArrival Report an Absence

    229 Charles Bancroft Hwy. Litchfield, NH 03052

    (603) 424-5931

    Past Editions of the GMS School News can be found at:


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    October 11, 2024

      Griffin Memorial School News At GMS, We THRIVE October 11, 2024 GMS Families,                       I know this newsletter is keeping you ...